Client project - Swedish furniture company
Scope and background
For a local team in a global company to pitch a campaign idea to the in-house global marketing team, they have only got a matrix and a few criteria to follow. The application is a very time consuming process, with lots of back and forth communication, misunderstanding and confusion.
Our brief was to design a digital and interactive application process to replace the old system with.
6 UX design students (from Syria and Sweden).
My role
Leading the ideation phase.
User journey
Information architecture
User journey, sketching and brainstorming
Research had been done and was provided by the company. We mapped out a user journey to find opportunities for innovation. It was clear that the users were lacking the right information, guidance, feedback and time.
We brainstormed around solutions and features. We wanted to offer a solution that guided the users to be autonomous and supported their process in the areas were they had less knowledge. A solution that would align all teams around the globe to be equally equipped and provided with the same conditions.
Information architecture to map out the features and structure, ready to proceed to prototyping.
Ideation & solution
Me and my team came up with the idea to turn the matrix and criteria into an interactive digital mind map, in which each arm administrates each criteria in an educative and easy-to-follow manner. We wanted the process to be simple, intuitive, educational and time saving.
The mind map has to be fully worked through and accomplished before the team can pitch their campaign idea with a video and send it in to the global marketing team.
We included features such as Q&A, digital feedback, chat box and educational information.
Reflections & learnings
We started out exploring the pain points and user journey to make space for creative opportunities of innovation. Once we landed on the mind map solution we had a lot of fun exploring different functions and features.
Since the company we worked with gave us all research materials they thought we needed, we didn’t get the possibility to talk to users. I would have liked to do field research in order to know what the humans in the different locations around the world really needed to do a better and more effective work. We also didn’t have time for testing, which means we could only assume our solution would be useful.
This project was meaningful to me because it allowed us to be explorative and creative in the ideation phase. However it was not a complete and properly worked through UX-process which I believe should include research and testing.