Psychedelics Integration
Scope and background
Psychedelics Integration is a platform matching individuals with coaches and therapists in the psychedelic field for support in preparation and integration of psychedelic experiences.
Research scope:
1. Understand needs and behaviors of individuals searching for mental support online
2. Understand needs and values of coaches offering support
3. Understand how the current website is being perceived
Myself, with support from the senior product designer and developer
My role
UX reasearcher
Methodologies & Process
22 qualitative interviews
1 survey
Competitor analysis
Affinity mapping
Analyzing data and findings
Present findings to the CEO, CTO and CMO.
Present recommendations based on findings
22 participants in interviews
27 participants in survey
75% of participants 29-50 years old
Survey - 74% women
Interviews - 50% men, 50% women
Participants spread across Europe with few individuals from United States, Canada, Russia and New Zealand.
Focus observation points
What do individuals think of the current website? What are the feelings and understanding?
What are the behaviors, needs and motivations for individuals to feel safe and motivated buying support online?
What do coaches need and want in order to commit to a subscription at a platform like PI?
Traffic to the platform and conversion is low
Improve accessibility, usability and understanding of the platform and service
Common patterns & themes
Affinity mapping
Key insights
Coaches want a healthy working environment with good communication
Coaches care about their reputation and need to be sure its not harmed by being part of the platform
Coaches are looking for collaboration with other professionals
Individuals want fast and easy access when looking for support online
Individuals need connection and trust with a coach in order to commit. It’s the highest priority to establish this as fast as possible.
The website is currently conveying a confusing message. Who is the target audience and what is actually the purpose of the platform?
What is important and adds value?
Implementations & recommendations
Focus on support and communication with coaches
Include ethical guidelines in the already existing screening process of coaches to ensure safe reputation for professionals and safe support for individuals
Add ethical guidelines to the website to increase the integrity and trust of the platform
Add testimonials of professionals already subscribed to the platform to increase trust for coaches interested to join
New design to implement
Create a community portal for coaches that fosters collaboration and growth
Make it clear what a subscription at the platform includes for a coach
Improved design to implement
Add video or voice of each coach for faster connection with individuals
Create an on boarding matching process to make the alliance and connection between coaches and individuals faster and based on real needs of individuals.
It also decreases cognitive load when navigating through profiles. Makes the process of getting help more accessible
New design to implement
Improved design to implement
Add a pop-up information page with detailed explanation of the booking process and expectations related to the sessions
New design to implement
Improve hero section, aligned with brand personality. Make it clear what is being offered
Old hero design
New hero design
Brand personality slider
On the home page: Include the mission behind this business and easy access to its team for establishing trust and bonding.
Improved landing page sections
This project gave me a deep insight into the art of interviewing and data analyzing.
I got aware of my interviewing style and how to improve it by not always sticking to the prepared questions but letting myself explore the questions behind the questions, and the problems behind the problems.
Affinity mapping is a methodology I love and with this extensive data I got to practice my organizational skills, recognition of patterns, how and what to prioritize and my visual thinking - How could this data look like as new or improved design.
I also learned a lot about the digital mental health industry through the interviews but also through comprehensive competitor analysis which adds to my personal interest in making this world a better and more accessible place to live.